Amongst the great work he has done working from LWA’s office in Sale, Manchester, Steve Collings contributes to a variety of external sources and is recognised globally for his technical knowledge. Steve’s service to the accounting world has continued to grow from the very beginning of his career, and has resulted in many benefits to all within the accounting and auditing industry. Steve sat on the UK GAAP Technical Advisory Group at the UK's Financial Reporting Council for five years until October 2021. Steve is trained in both UK and international accounting and auditing standards.
Steve has lectured in the UK and overseas, more recently for members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Barbados providing them with an update on developments in international financial reporting standards and also another seminar for them on international standards on auditing. Steve has also presented courses for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in Singapore on international accounting standards.

(Steve with Damien Skeete, ACCA International Assembly for Barbados and Kathy-Ann Hewitt, Executive Director at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Barbados)
Through lecturing on the CPD circuit, advising various professional bodies on accounting and auditing issues, and having written and published over 30 books within the industry, Steve’s expertise is invaluable to keeping staff knowledge at the highest standard possible.
Steve also works closely with businesses and professional bodies assisting them with technical aspects of UK and Ireland as well as international accounting standards. He is the author of several authoritative technical factsheets for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants on the interpretation of accounting and auditing standards. He also provides exclusive technical accountancy services for the market leading provider of business critical software, IRIS.
Most of Steve’s book can be found on his Amazon page, as well as the links below:
Steve's Amazon PageConnect with Steve
Steve's Books
IFRS for Dummies
Wiley, 2012
Small Company Reporting
Bloomsbury, 2015
Frequently Asked Questions in IFRS
Wiley, 2013
UK Financial Statements - Presentation and Disclosure Requirements
Bloomsbury, 2016
Corporate Finance for Dummies
Wiley, 2013
UK GAAP Financial Statements Disclosure Manual
Wiley, 2016
Financial Reporting for Unlisted Companies in the UK and Republic of Ireland
Bloomsbury, 2014
Practical Guide to UK Accounting and Auditing Standards
Bloomsbury, 2018
Far from being limited to just books, Steve has written and published several hundred articles for the likes of AccountingWEB.co.uk, AccountingCPD.net, Accountancy Magazine and more. Steve is also a member of the ACCA Manchester Members Network Panel.
Steve’s greatest achievements to date include winning the British Accountancy Award for Accounting Technician of the Year at the inaugural ceremony in 2011 with the judge’s comments:
Not only did Steve excel above and beyond the call of duty in his day job, but he also managed to write highly successful books. He is clearly a dedicated man who worked tirelessly to raise the standards and professionalism of his part of the industry.
Just 2 years later, Steve was recognised for Outstanding Contribution to the Accountancy Profession at the Association of International Accountants (AIA) annual Founders Lecture & Awards. Steve’s work has also helped our firm to be shortlisted again at The British Accountancy Awards in 2016 as Most Innovative Practice. Steve has also been highly commended by the Association of Accounting Technicians.
All of this is credited to an unlimited passion and enthusiasm that Steve has for his profession, and the importance he feels for passing it on to others. To learn more about Steve’s published work and contributions to the accountancy and auditing sector, visit his website here.