Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for Business

In today's business world, staying competitive requires embracing innovation. Over the past 18 months, one of the most impactful innovations has been Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI tools are revolutionising industries by streamlining workflows and enhancing customer experiences, offering numerous advantages for businesses in various sectors.

Matt has written a number of blogs on AI as well as LinkedIn posts showing how numerous AI tools are quick, easy and free to learn about and implements, allowing you to benefit.

We were delighted to have our Audit & Accounts Manager who is also LWA's accounting technology lead selected to speak alongside the brilliant Billie Mcloughlin from 20:20 Innovation at Accountex London 2024. On the ‘Disruptor’ stage, Billie and Matt provided practical advice on how accountancy firms can use AI to dramatically improve processes for themselves as well as for clients.

Below is a video of Matt speaking alongside Billie at Accountex 2024 explaining how easy it is to start using AI in your firm.

  1. Matt Jones and Billie McCloughlin at Accountex 2024