New penalty updates on Making Tax Digital & SEISS - July 2022 Newsletter

Summer has finally arrived in the north west of England and we hope you are keeping safe in the intense heat. Before many of our clients head off to the enjoy summer holidays with families, we wanted to let you know about new Making Tax Digital updates that may help you avoid penalties from HMRC.

Staying on the topic of school summer holidays, we also share a reminder about HMRC's Childcare Account that pays 25% towards summer camps, as well as wraparound childcare during term time, which may help towards costs.
For any self-employed clients, we have an update on reporting your SEISS grant for your 2021/22 Tax Return. If there is a specific topic or if you have good news you would like to be covered in our future newsletters, please get in touch by reply email.

Have a great summer! Read our July 2022 newsletter here.
Les, Steve & the team at LWA